
Aquarius November 2011

November begins on an extremely sociable note, and suddenly there are lots of friends around you and group arrangements that are incredibly inspiring. There are trips to make and people to meet, and they can come from all over the world. Talk is heady and there are all sorts of grandiose ideas and plans… though time will show that those people who promise most deliver least.
The full moon on the 10th puts the emphasis on home and family life, which can be very pleasurable from a material point of view. There is a sense of luxury and stability in the environment that evokes a calm and secure feeling about the future. And with a series of eclipses falling in your solar 11th house of friends and groups in this period, there are many new and inspiring projects on the go, which expand your horizons intellectually and culturally. This also signifies creative breakthroughs for partners, who may however also worry a lot about finances.

From: http://ping.fm/wHjin